Samsung SCX-5330N Driver

Samsung SCX-5330N Driver

The Samsung SCX-5330N model is a digital device with a laser print technology for monochrome printing. The monochrome printing involves distribution in black and white at best quality and optimum speed to suit the user’s needs. At a glance, some other properties of the machine also include its ability to produce up to 25,000 impressions. It also has an internal memory of 64 MB of RAM, which is then expandable to 320 MB.

Samsung SCX-5330N printer driver for Windows

Filename Size Download
Print Driver for Windows 7 vista 32 bit and 64 bit.exe 12.63 MB Download
Print Driver for Windows xp 32 bit and 64 bit.exe 7.99 MB Download
PostScript Print Driver for Windows 7 vista 32 bit and 64 bit.exe 9.02 MB Download
PostScript Print Driver for Windows xp 32 bit and 64 bit.exe 15.88 MB Download
Scan Driver for Windows 7 vista 32 bit and 64 bit.exe 9.55 MB Download
Scan Driver for Windows xp 32 bit and 64 bit 9.39 MB Download

Samsung SCX-5330N driver Supported Macintosh Operating Systems

Filename Size Download
Print Driver for Mac 10.7 and 2.31 MB Download
Scan Driver for Mac 5.51 MB Download

Samsung SCX-5330N driver for Linux

Linux (32-bit), Linux (64-bit)

Filename Size Download
Print and Scan Driver for Linux, Fedora os, Red Hat Enterprise Linux os, SUSE Linux os, Linux Mint os, Ubuntu os, Open SUSE 14.73 MB Download


The printer’s exceptional quality is due to its RAM capacity and advanced processor. With an inbuilt liquid crystal display (LCD) screen that can display 16 characters across two lines, users can easily navigate the printer’s functions.

Additionally, the printer is compatible with Microsoft certifications, including MS Windows Vista. This version of the operating system boasts the Windows HD imaging feature, a vital tool for scanning documents.

The Samsung SCX-5330N boasts multiple features, including its impressive black cartridge resource that can generate up to 4000 pages. The cartridge model, D5530A, also has replaceable models with higher print capacity.

When it comes to power consumption, this model is designed to be energy-efficient. The printer uses power based on its present status. For instance, when in sleep mode, it only consumes an average of 20 watts.

When the printer is in standby mode, it still consumes an average of 150 watts of power. However, during full operation, power consumption can reach up to 520 watts. The printer boasts a maximum copying speed of 28 pages per minute (ppm) and a resolution of 600 x 600 dpi with 256 levels of grayscale half-tones. It takes approximately 20 seconds for the printer to warm up at the start of a job.

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